My World 2.0

Welcome one and all to the newly redesigned! I’m going to give a quick explanation for the site’s redesign and functionality so get ready. Are you ready? Good, let’s go.


I redesigned the Home page because I needed to.

About Me

Enough said.


I don’t know how frequently I will post here or what I’ll post, but anything that is not fiction will go here. Currently, I’m considering writing an article about Up, one of my favorite films. Article topics could vary from video games to writing tips to general life musings.


You can find all my original fiction here. Since I’m primarily writing a 5-book series called Reckoning of the Gods, I can’t promise frequent posts. I have a few short stories that need polishing and a few ideas for new short stories so it’s possible that they will find a home here one day. In addition, I have a short story that I’ve been trying to sell, so if I’m unsuccessful in that attempt, you’ll be able to read it here!


While I don’t draw much anymore, I have plenty of photos from old stories floating around my house. I’ll try to collect as many as possible for you all to enjoy!


If you want to enjoy any of my short stories in pdf format, this is the place to go!

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You did it!

Bonus picture: Here’s me on a raft trying not to die.